Wrike Reimagined

2 min readJun 26, 2020

Recent events and trends have dramatically changed the workplace. As many companies are scaling the amount and complexity of digital work, they face a new set of challenges from visibility to security to usability to automations. From Wrike’s launch in 2006 to the present, we’ve been continuously driving innovations in these areas, and today is another great milestone on this journey as we announce the reimagined Wrike.

New user experience

One of the significant trends in enterprise software over the last decade has been to make software usable by everyone. The challenge is creating a platform simple enough that anyone can use it while ensuring that it will continue to be easy to use when the customer grows to hundreds of workflows and teams with thousands of users and projects.

Early on, we were lucky enough to make the right choices that laid the groundwork for today’s updates. Choices like investing in a data model (flexible work graph) that allow teams privacy, security, and autonomy while supporting easy connectivity, planning, reporting, and resource management across teams, projects, and workflows. I’m also grateful for the thousands of customer conversations over the last decade that helped our team understand what scales best.

The new Wrike experience developed from extensive UX research and user feedback as many of our customers evolved from small teams to thousands of users. The changes solve information overload and discoverability, keeping the interface elegant and approachable as businesses scale and add more users and teams. Our reimagined experience helps customers tame the increasing complexity of their digital work. As digital workflows typically span across multiple teams, Wrike makes it easier to “Work As One” while offering industry-leading privacy controls.

Our brand

We’ve reflected on the decade of our growth, thinking about what’s core for us and our customers — what was, is, and will be driving us to do our best every day — and refined our vision and mission statements:

  • Vision:
    A world where every person, team, and organization achieves their best.
  • Mission:
    Help you do the best work of your life by reducing chaos and complexity through visibility, contextual collaboration, and automation.

We’ve thought about the best way to convey our passion and culture through the visual side of our brand and updated our logotype, color palette, typography, and illustrations.

What’s next

With the shift towards a hybrid workplace — in office, at home, and remote — enterprise-grade collaborative work management platform becomes a key component of success. We’re committed to innovating with you to build the most intelligent, versatile, and secure platform. It’s my hope that our new user experience helps you and your teams do the best work of your life.

Originally published at https://www.wrike.com.

